martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021

Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying

 hello again

This time, I will talk about a subject that I like to study. In the previous blog I talked about Professor Asun, he taught me that social psychology existed. This is a branch of sociology that combines psychological knowledge about behavior to explain collective behavior

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I have taken a particular liking to this subject, since in my opinion it is key to the advancement of the sociological school and also offers a psychological profile of the masses that has provided other avenues in the formulation of new theories.

When studying social psychology I learned that a curious phenomenon occurs within society, since when we are in the presence of a conflict, whatever its nature, our willingness to help will depend on the number of people who witness this event, for example: if we witness a fight or violence, we will see that a kind of shared responsibility is generated by those who observe the fight, however, if many people observe the fight, less likely to intervene immediately or react to it. This is because by sharing the responsibility, the individual feels that someone else will interfere and that it is not necessary for them to participate. A cuchillo se enfrentaron algunos asistentes a Hip Hop al Parque - YouTube


What I liked most about the subject is that before I started studying my career, I thought that it was only useful to treat people individually or at internal structural levels, this does not mean that it was not of interest to me, on the contrary, I liked it very much, but my social commitment made me choose sociology. Anyway, I hope you liked my blogs, it was a nice experience. 

Take care.


martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

the person I admire

The person I admire in the field of social sciences is Professor Rodrigo Asún because he is what I aspire to be, once I graduate and begin to have my own experience. He has a line of work closely related to psychology and through the interaction of this with sociology has managed to develop interesting methods of surveys, also dominates the area of qualitative research that fits with his psychological knowledge of the masses.

Professor Asun has written numerous articles and memoirs with great intellectual content, in addition to participating in research, Professor Asun conducted research on the phenomena of school takeovers.

D. in quantitative research methodology, expert in questionnaire construction, multivariate statistical analysis and research on social movements and protests.
He is married to Karina Rodriguez Navarro, works at the University of Chile as an undergraduate professor and is co-investigator of studies conducted during this year.



viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place

Sociology is a career that not everyone knows, most of the time when I say what I study, they ask me: "What is that? and I try to explain to hi
m what it means to me but, what really matters is how much my career influences the world.

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And is that, sociology, although it maintains a passive role within research, when delivering results, allows us to know what are the problems of society and understand them better, so the problems or phenomena we investigate can be seen from the complete picture. In saying this I include myself, because in my opinion the work of a sociologist requires a lot of will not to interfere in alarming situations, which we cannot denounce until the results are obtained. In a way, it can be exhausting for health, but on the other hand, contribute to improve the quality of life of certain people since you understand what the roots of the problem are and leave behind cultural canons





hello everyone, this is the last blog of the semester and I'm feeling a bit melancholic so I warn you that it's full of sentimentali...