martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

Why Did I Choose My Major?

Hi all, again. This time I will tell you why I study sociology

When I was in elementary school, I always dreamed of being a history teacher, because I really liked the area. However, when I was in high school, in my senior year they announced that I would no longer be part of the curriculum, so I was worried about how little work there would be when I graduated. 

So I started looking for other options that might interest me, especially related to the humanistic sciences. I became interested in psychology, language pedagogy and social work but none of them convinced me completely.

After looking for what I wanted, I found the sociology career and I learned about the subject, since before I did not know anything about the career. And I realized that the career I had found was much more comprehensive than the other options I had thought of. I understood many areas of study that interested me and did not study them separately, but combined them, so I decided on this one without thinking about it anymore.

So far, I am very happy with the career I chose, although the pandemic has taken away spaces that could improve the experiences, the subject we went through and the teachers have made me fall in love even more than I study.💓💓

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hello everyone, this is the last blog of the semester and I'm feeling a bit melancholic so I warn you that it's full of sentimentali...